Boost Your P2P Style Outreach With Inbox Canned Responses

Enhance your impact with canned responses! Canned Responses are pre-drafted simple messages or flows that can be sent to members directly from the Inbox. This new Inbox feature helps ensure your voice and tone are consistent and your direct messaging is clear, making supporters feel confident and empowered to take action.

Streamline communication, save time, and focus on driving your mission forward!

Getting started

First create your canned response and name it! Admins on your team can create and edit canned responses, so you always have a pre drafted message handy for rapid response moments. 

For step by step instructions on creating a canned response click here.

Finding the right message

Strive makes it easy to quickly find the canned response you are looking for. Search for canned responses by name, simulate canned responses, and always have your most recently sent canned responses sorted to the top.

Tip: Canned Responses can be simulated as you draft them, or after they are saved to ensure everyone on your team can try out canned responses before they are sent. Simulate canned responses to make sure they align with the needs of the member you're replying to.

5 Ideas for Canned Responses

Need inspo to get started? Check out these 5 powerful ways to save time in the Inbox.

1. Frequently asked information

Create a canned response that includes boilerplate language for commonly asked information. Include trackable links to external resources, or queue up automated questions to collect data and personalize responses. With the check and collect setting, canned response flows will skip questions for members who you already have this data saved for.

2. Stance on an issue

Do members frequently ask for your organization's stance in a particular issue area or piece of legislation? Create a comprehensive response so your members can learn your position on the issue. From there, ask them to get involved or click a link to learn more about your advocacy work. 

3. About us

Often, new supporters can be curious about your campaign’s mission or values. This is an important communication touchpoint in a member’s engagement journey to showcase your advocacy work and motivate members to get involved. Create a canned response to ensure your messaging is consistent and on brand.

4. Links

Create canned responses for commonly used links like important petitions or your social media account so members can take action and continue to stay engaged with your advocacy work. Create canned responses so that your links are always on hand to quickly share.

5. Member survey

Kick off a question or series of questions, and let automated flows connect members with custom resources or ways to get involved. This not only speeds up response times but also allows texters to focus on more complex conversations that automated messaging may not be suited for.

Want to learn more about Canned responses? Schedule a demo!

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