Build the Perfect Texting Audience with Broadcast Suppression Groups

Audience building just got easier with Strive Messaging's exciting new addition to the Broadcast page! Now campaigns can select simple or dynamic groups to exclude from their broadcast.

Follow these 3 steps to get started:

1. Create a group of members you want to send to:

Use any of your member data, including click rate, or response rate, to segment your audience.

Filter your list by location information, such as zip code, or by activity, such as clicking a link. Sync data from tools like ActBlue, EveryAction, or ActionKit to use for segmenting and audience building.

2. Create a group of members you don’t want to send to:

In the example below, the campaign used relative date filters to avoid asking members to donate who have recently donated.

With Strive's relative date filters, campaigns can create cohorts of members based on activity in the last number of days/weeks. Strive relative date filters also allow you to look back a number of days ago (last donated 3 days ago) or in the next number of days (birthday is in 1 day).

Tip: Use dynamic groups for your send to and don't send to audiences. A dynamic group will automatically refresh your filter results each night and before a broadcast to the group. Dynamic groups add/remove members based on your filter conditions.

3. Select the groups from the send to and dont send to drop downs in the broadcast window

Whether your sending a simple message, MMS, or a multi-step automated flow, Strive makes it easy to exclude cohorts of members you don't want to send to.

In this example, the climate organization wants to target this donation ask to one time donors and exclude members from this ask who have recently donated in the last 60 days.

If there's overlap between the two groups, Strive will respect the do not send to group and exclude them from the broadcast.

Note: Strive automatically excludes unsubscribed members from your broadcast. Unsubscribed members include opt-outs, invalid phone numbers, or phone numbers that return terminal error codes.
Learn more about broadcasting with Strive here!

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