Account Billing

Review your account balance, past invoices, and commitment credits and update your billing info.
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Account Balance
Estimated Costs for Next Invoice
Usage and Invoice History
Bill Settings
Note: Your account may not be able to access certain features on the billing page if you are not billed directly by Strive or if you are an international organization (non US or Canadian).

Account Balance

At the top of the Invoice Page your account’s balance will include any issued invoices that are unpaid or overdue.

Estimated Costs for your Next Invoice

A summary of costs that will be included in your next invoice can be accessed below your account balance. The summary is updated nightly to account for broadcasts sent in the last 24 hours.

Estimated SMS carrier fees: Estimated SMS carrier fees are the total outgoing/incoming segments multiplied by average carrier fees (weighted to US population per carrier) for the current bill period.

Estimated MMS carrier fees: Estimated MMS carrier fees are the total outgoing/incoming MMS messages multiplied by average carrier fees (weighted to US population per carrier) for the current bill period.

Estimated Broadcast costs

See all the broadcasts that will be charged in your next invoice along with their estimated cost. Estimates per broadcast exclude carrier fees and do not account for multi step flows or direct messages sent from the Inbox.

Estimated SMS costs: This estimate is calculated using the audience size and the segment count of the first message in the SMS broadcast sent.

Estimated MMS costs: This estimate is calculated using the audience size and the first message in the MMS broadcast sent.

Access estimated costs for your next invoice
  1. Click your name in the top right corner and click Billing from the drop down
  2. Under your Account Balance click Estimated Costs for Next Invoice
  3. A summary of estimated costs for your upcoming invoice 
Download estimated cost summary
  1. Click your name in the top right corner and click Billing from the drop down
  2. Under your Account Balance click Estimated Costs for Next Invoice
  3. Expand the Estimated Broadcast Costs table and click Table Actions
  4. Click download, a CSV of the table will download from your browser

Usage and Invoice History

Access account balance info along with previous invoices and usage history.

Access Invoices

All paid and unpaid invoices issued to your account can be accessed from the Billing page. Payments can be made directly from invoices.

  1. Click your name in the top right corner and click Billing from the drop down
  2. From the Invoices and Usage History table, click the purple invoice number you’d like to view
  3. A copy of the invoice will open in a new window of your browser
How long will it take for a payment to reflect as paid?

Your payment status will be reflected in Strive once it is processed by our billing services provider.

Access Usage History Summary and Estimated Snapshots

A summary of charges per invoice and snapshots of estimated costs for the issued invoice can be accessed from the Invoices and Usage table.

  1. Click your name in the top right corner and click Billing from the drop down
  2. From the Invoices and Usage History table, click the ellipses next to the invoice line you’d like to view and click Details
  3. An itemized summary of your invoice along with a snapshot of estimated cost of each broadcast sent during the invoice period will be included

    Estimated snapshots from the bill period may be different from your actual billed amount.

SMS carrier fees: Total incoming and outgoing SMS carrier fees charged to your number(s) for each SMS segment sent during the bill period. These fees will vary based on your members’ service provider.
MMS carrier fees: Total outgoing and incoming MMS carrier fees charged to your number(s) for each  MMS message sent during the bill period. These fees will vary based on your members’ service provider.

SMS sent: Total SMS segments sent during the bill period.

MMS sent: Total MMS messages sent during the bill period.

Total call time: Total call minutes on your account’s patch-thru number(s) during the bill period.

Subscription fee: Fee charged to lease your phone number(s) and use the Strive platform.

Note: Short codes are charged subscription fees on a quarterly basis

Commitment Balance

If your account has SMS and MMS commitments you can see your commitment balance directly from the Invoices and Usage tab under Message Balance. Your balance is updated nightly to account for outgoing messages sent in the last 24 hours.To update your account’s commitment, reach out to your account manager.

Billing Settings

Update your account’s billing address and invoice email recipients.

Update Billing Address

  1. Click your name in the top right corner and click Billing from the drop down
  2. Click the Settings tab
  3. Click the pencil icon to edit
  4. Add your new billing address and click Enter
Update Invoice Email Recipients

Add or remove email addresses you’d like to send account invoices to.

  1. Click your name in the top right corner and click Billing from the drop down
  2. Click the Settings tab
  3. To add a new email recipient click Add Recipient and enter the email address
  4. To remove a recipient email, click the ellipses next to their name and click delete from the drop down menu.
Update Payment Method

If you do not have a payment method saved or you would like to update your payment method, you can enter this information from the link on your latest invoice.

Who can access the Billing page?

Admins with billing permissions can access the account’s billing and usage data and make changes to billing information.

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