AI Response Clustering

Cluster incoming messages from members using AI to understand response trends and streamline bulk replying

What are A.I. response clusters?

When members reach an Inbox Conversation bot action with a Conversation view, you can cluster similar responses. Artificial Intelligence analyzes member replies and identifies key themes, intents, and sentiments.

Clusters can be sent messages, added to groups, and assigned to users in bulk.

Which messages are clustered?

Strive will only cluster incoming messages from members, and only incoming messages that are responding to a message sent from the flow of the conversation view or a subsequent DM sent from the conversation view. Strive will also group invalid messages to your flow in the Validations cluster.

Note: You must create a flow with a conversation view to cluster responses in the Inbox. Step by step instructions for setting up conversation views can be found here.
Generate Response Clusters and send Bulk Replies
  1. Go to the Inbox and select your Conversation View

    Note: Response clustering is only available in Conversation Views. Strive will cluster member validation responses in the All Member Conversations folder.
  1. In the left conversation preview pane, sort the conversations by Response
  2. Review individual member messages in clusters by expanding the cluster
  3. Select relevant conversations or clusters
  4. Draft your message and click Send or Send and Resolve to route the selected conversations to the the Resolved folder of the conversation view

    Admins and Organizers with permission to edit conversations of other users will be prompted to assign the selected conversations before replying. We recommend you assign these conversations to yourself before replying to avoid multiple users replying to the same member.
Generate Response Clusters and Apply bulk Actions
  1. Go to the Inbox and select your Conversation View

    Note: Response clustering is only available in Conversation Views. Strive will cluster member validation responses in the All Member Conversations folder.
  2. In the left conversation preview pane, sort the conversations by Response
  3. Review individual member messages in clusters by expanding the cluster
  4. Select relevant conversations and click Apply Bulk Actions
  5. Select the bulk action you’d like to apply
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